FRIDAY VESPERS – Office for the Dead (5/1)
Every Friday, we will pray Vespers (Evening Prayer) from the Office of the Dead with the PDF below and Video through the Saint John the Beloved YouTube page.
Email me names to add to the final prayer for next week.
Also, sign up to receive Divine Office emails, including PDFs and Videos: ***Sunday LAUDS (Morning Prayer) and VESPERS (Evening Prayer) in English***Friday VESPERS, Office of the Dead (email me names to add to the final prayer)
***VESPERS for Feasts throughout the year for MAY:
St. Matthias 5/14
St. Bernadine of Siena 5/20
St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi 5/25
Philip Neri, 5/26
Sign-up for Divine Office Emails
James Senson, Director of Music